Scope is a disability charity. It runs what is essentially a mental health forum whilst trilling about inclusivity.  Matters of physical disability receive cursory attention.  Notably there was scant interest in the issue of disabled pensioners affected by removal of the WFA.  Review on Trustpilot here.

On the plus side the forum gives a voice to the unheard, but it occurs to me that the difficulties posed by the mentally ill and the normal in one forum may be why other disabilities groups avoid the issue and don’t have forums. 

Conform to their painfully narrow model of what you are or go away.  In one corner there are frightened people without much in the way of literacy or education with terrible problems and in the other that element of the petit bourgeoisie which thinks it knows everything, a phenomenon well known to me from the NHS where nurse-managers slap down the concerns of the lower orders – sweet and helpful so long as they do not feel threatened, when according to their lights they continue to be sweet and helpful and in fact are ludicrously offensive, addressing you as though you are six. Why don’t you play a nice game or record what you had for breakfast.  Impenetrable.  Probably expect me to go back with my tail between my legs promising to be acceptable. I have a mind and know how to use it, but that of course one cannot say in the world of the mental elf. 

It's interesting.  There is apparently an aspect of having been expected to conform which they attribute to the whole of society while I wonder what ghastly narrow regimented homes they come from and how much of their conditions is nature, how much nurture – inadvisable to say to anyone anywhere ‘your parents must be sad twats’.  This makes it sound as if they’re simply normal people being themselves not what said parents told them to be, but then I wonder what they were expected to conform with, whether it was for instance universal norms, such as using the telephone. 

The first time I nearly left I recognized I was a little piqued and decided to shrug it off.  I had tried to help someone using screenshots. I had revealed my email and that of a spammer whose offering I was using as an example. People might at least have said, ‘nice try but no cigar - here’s a better way’. Pursed lips at having revealed emails against the Rools and the little child not allowed to edit my  own post.  Admin removed the addies.  I’ve been on line 30 years, as it happens I have had that addy for 30 years.  It is not an account I use for personal stuff.  Probably every spammer in the world knows it.  Couldn’t give a.  If I want to put it in lights on Tower Bridge, I’ll do that.  After a while I got suspicious of the Rools, invoked – worshipped - like the Word of God, thinking they exist as much to maintain the status quo as to safeguard.

The second time was coming across a pair of the ND grinning to each other that the ND are superior. 

Many other irritants such as a hyperactive spam filter which rejected 100% harmless posts.  It was suggested the problem was also combinations of letters.  Hey, I can do that!  Though I promise I didn’t.  The academic untied his shoelaces. 

All disabled people are supposed to be anxious, depressed, in need of help and in need of control.  No disabled people are literate, educated,  mentally fully functional. It simply isn’t allowed!  While certainly it is true that on the Internet people pretend, a guy who said he had been a lawyer and sounded like one was mercilessly mocked.  Why the pluperfect quintessential multi-coloured hell should a lawyer not be disabled and offering help.   I watched people including me politely raise questions about the place, wonder if we quite belong, and be batted down.  I got bored with it.